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When a body of water appears cloudy or contains suspended particles, it may be a sign that the natural balance has been disturbed. Pollutants can harm aquatic life and affect the water level. That's where ClearLake comes in. ClearLake uses a special combination of micro-organisms to restore the balance. These micro-organisms decompose pollutants such as uric acid, fat, cellulose, nitrite, and ammonia. Additionally, ClearLake stimulates the natural decomposition of organic matter such as plant remains, fish feed, and fish waste. By doing so, ClearLake helps to maintain a healthy biological balance in the water and produces a natural-looking environment. In this way, ClearLake contributes sustainably to the stability of the water and helps to protect aquatic life.


Oase Clearlake - 5kg
Treats up to 100,000 litres

Oase Clearlake - 10kg
Treats up to 200,000 litres

Oase Clearlake - 25kg
Treats up to 500,000 litres

Oase Clearlake - 50kg
Treats up to 1,000,000 litres

Oase ClearLake Treatment

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